Friday, March 13, 2020

Reading and Wellbeing

Last week, I attended Reading for Wellbeing presented by Judith Wellman as part of the School Library Association of NSW (SLANSW) conference - Reach out through Reading.

It was a highly informative presentation and gained some new insights that I didn't expect to know.

One point that was emphasised is that we should get to know Student Welfare officers and school counsellors who can guide Teacher Librarians to identify issues that may be need to be focused on.

Doom and gloom seems to be state of the world at the moment, but literature can help us address them through reading stories that are motivating and inspiring.

The COVID19 outbreak is one such example. Should we be looking at stories that focus on overcoming health challenges in our lives.

Climate Change is another example. Cli-fi can be used to address this.

At the end of the day, literature relating to our wellbeing can help us build resilence in times of need but also help one another combat the day to day challenges that may confront us.