Friday, November 24, 2017

Puzzles in the library

One thing that has become a bit of crowd puller this term at my current school is jigsaw puzzles.

It began simply out of a pastoral care period. The students had an opportunity for one period to work on puzzles or play board games in the library. A group had spent the fifty minute period working on a puzzle and we didn't want it to be dismantled.

We left it on the table and as students came to the library, they then took the initiative and the puzzle has taken shape.

It is not finished. Sadly there have been two incidents of students walking past and smashing the puzzle to pieces. Fortuantely, they get reassembled quickly.

It's proving to be a great recreational activity to promote because it requires:

  • Collaboration (people working together)
  • Problem solving (does the pieces fit etc? Should we work on borders first)
  • Organisational skills (sorting pieces by colours, types, featured objects etc).
  • Concentration
In addition jigsaw puzzles have a:

  • Calming effect on the students.
  • May attract students that may not normally use the library for reading or for learning during break times.
  • Ability to fill time like when waiting your turn to access printing services.
I look forward to spending the summer working on some 4D puzzles which have been a challenge to those who have done it. 

Teaching Availability for 2018

As the end of the year approaches, I need to remind people of my availability for work in 2018.

At this stage, I am available for either casual, temporary or full time employment as a Teacher Librarian in 2018.

If you know of a school that requires the services of a Teacher Librarian or need a "locum" to fill in, please contact me.

More information is available here.

Friday, November 10, 2017

HallowRead Trivia

Recently , I was looking for ideas to do a library activity focusing on Halloween. I searched the OZTL_NET forum for ideas and liked the idea from one contributor of referring to Halloween as "HallowRead", to encourage reading.

I created a "HallowRead" quiz to challenge the Readers Club students focusing on Fantasy and Horror books. It was quite challenging but fun.

I will share this with you:

Answer Sheet

Thankyou to those on the OZTL_NET forum who shared their ideas.