Friday, February 26, 2021

My Reading Goal (Resource)

I created a resource last year that I did not end up using, but based it on my work at the MLC School back in 2014 where I challenged students to set a reading goal for the term ahead as part of wide reading lessons. 

With the school I worked for last year, I had intended to undertake the activity during the first wide reading lesson of each term, collect them and return to them at the end of the term to determine whether or not they had met their set challenge.

The objective of the activity was to encourage students to determine how they could challenge themselves with their reading and work towards attaining that goal. I believe that it would foster better reading habits. 

I have decided to share this resource. Please feel free to download and use or modify as needed. 

If you would like a word.doc of this resource, please email me at either or 

Friday, February 12, 2021

What I Like Reading (Handout)

Last year, I created a resource for Teacher Librarians that could have two uses:

What I Like Reading

It can be used for either (or both):

  1. Finding out reading preferences of students.
  2. Genrefication of library fiction collections
I ended up using the handout for both reasons. 

Firstly, I needed to know what they enjoyed reading so I could help each student select suitable books to read given that the students I worked with had experienced difficulty locating books that they enjoyed reading. It helped me make more informed recommendations to students during their wide reading sessions. This provides a diagnostic assessment of student reading preferences. I scanned student responses and emailed each English Teacher a copy for their records. As we start the year, this will be a good resource to use in wide reading sessions. 

Secondly it helped me to plan and advise the school on how the fiction collection could be genreified. I tallied the results for each wide reading/English class and provided me with a broader indication of what the student body at the school enjoyed reading. You may notice that I mostly used genre labels from RAECO in the handout as I was proposing to utilise their labels when genreifying the collection. However, labels (custom made or accquired from any supplier) can be used. 

There was an additional benefit in that it better informed me on resources to be accquired for the library. For instance a number of students indicated that they enjoyed reading sports fiction and the library had very few books catering for their interest in this genre. In response, I had to order additional books encompassing sport. I also needed to expand our collection of humour novels/stories as it was identified as one of the most popular genres by the student body and some series e.g. Diary of a Wimpy Kid was in very high demand. 

If you would like a word.doc of this resource, please email me at either or