Friday, September 28, 2018

Accommodating for students with a disability

I have been a keen advocate for providing equitable access to library services and recently accepted an opportunity to undertake some free professional development provided online through the Association of Independent Schools.

The course Disability Legislation Online Module on the impact of legislation of the following:

  • Disability Discrimination Act (1992)
  • Disability Standards for Education (2005)
I would encourage Teacher Librarians to enroll in this course. It is free for those in Association of Independent Schools but non-member schools will charge a fee.

As Teacher Librarians, we do collaborate in the programming of units of work across each key learning area. We do need to remember that we need to accommodate various learning needs for those who may be disabled.

It also affects how we provide library services including resources and furniture. We should ensure that any activities that we provide can include those with a disability. If not we need to provide an alternative.

We should also liaise with learning support as to how the school library can improve its provision of library service to those with disabilities. 

Friday, September 21, 2018

Interpersonal skills for Teacher Librarians - a checklist

I came across this article recently on the interpersonal skills that a person needs for effective library management. I am using this as a checklist to ensure that I am applying the interpersonal skills that Teacher Librarians require.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Educational Technology Leadership

I have been reflecting on how we can be innovative in our role as Teacher Librarians and was surprised that we can innovative without having to do much at all.

I read about Educational Technology Leadership as an example of innovation in teaching,

As would be aware, students need to learn how to use technology wisely i.e. digital citizenship.

How can we express it?

  • Remind students that use of technology in the classroom is a privilege. It can be taken away if not used correctly.
  • Monitor student use of technology. If I see someone using technology incorrectly, I remind them of the real purpose, especially if it is a learning task.
  • Involve students in the basic upkeep of devices e.g. library monitors checking out/returning devices and ensuring that they are charged.
One element however was missing in that article and it relates to etiquette and expressing appropriate behaviours when using technology. As educational leaders, we also need to role model appropriate behaviours when using technology. If we don't role model our behaviour, students may end up using technology in an unsafe and inappropriate manner.

For example I have applied this when speaking to students about copyright issues associated with the downloading and viewing of eBooks and eAudiobooks. For instance a person should delete the mp4 files associated with a borrowed eAudiobook. I am surprised that eAudiobooks provided by libraries can easily be copied and reproduced.

But what about in the research process? How can we apply it?

There is so much information out there so we need to tell the students how they should approach research. Consider the following:
  • Teaching advanced search skills on Google.
  • Website evaluation e.g. usefulness, purpose, currency of information
  • Locations to obtain information e.g. State Library of NSW databases.
  • Accessing the Library catalogue from home.
  • Recording and citing information sourced from an electronic location.

Friday, September 7, 2018

New Scheme Teacher Mapping Grid

Last week, I presented some of my strategies at a School Library Association of NSW Webinar on Accreditation. I provided some tips that new scheme teacher librarians should apply if seeking accreditation at Proficient level.

Those who attended were most interested by a mapping grid that can be used to document how each sample meets the standards. This can be done as you collect your evidence. It will help you identify where you may still need to collect evidence.

Remember for each standard, you need to demonstrate at least one of the standard descriptors has been applied in your teaching. You do not need to demonstrate each standard descriptor.

I have decided to make this grid available for download for any teacher (not just Teacher Librarians) which I will encourage you to use.

In addition, please feel free to contact me if you need any direction with your accreditation at Proficient level.