Tuesday, November 19, 2013

CEO Sydney ILe@RN with Mobile Devices - Ipad 2 - Module 1

I've decided to do another E-Learning Course that is being provided through the Catholic Education Office Sydney. This year, I've decided to do the Ipad 2 course. This comes after doing a very interesting and informative Web 2.0 Course which I would recommend to those working in Catholic Schools within the Sydney region.

This also comes on the back of purchasing an Ipad over the past few months and keen to use it for educational purposes. I already have used it as a means of marking rolls in schools through the Sentral Program which is a start or for simple notetaking during staff meetings.

In my casual/temporary work at Waverley College as teacher librarian, I have used Ipad's in providing library services such as searches for OPAC during Wide Reading periods and when a student wishes to borrow a book. Also the school has been encouraging students to embrace E-Books through the E-Book Collection on Overdrive. Last term, I facilitated sessions to several Year 9 classes on how to access Overdrive.

In responding to the first module, this has been easy for me as being an owner of an Ipad, I am already familiar with a number of its key features.

If there were three new things I learn't, this is what I would have for this module:

  1. Being able to split the keyboard in two. I do have a wireless keyboard that I tend to use when typing emails, notes etc but for little messages etc, I do use the touchscreen keyboard. It is more a comfort for my hands. Splitting the keyboard allows for better movement of my hands and if I want, I can use the thumbs only. Even being able to move the keyboard around the screen comes in handy as well.
  2. Screenshots - I've never seen the need to take screenshots as I have used an Ipad more for recreation but I had no idea that the feature is there if I need it. It will come great for any "How to" guides that I might create or for troubleshooting when the Ipad plays up.
  3. Highlighting & taking notes from text - It is nice to be able to highlight and create notes without making a mess particularly if I see something that I think is important.