Friday, September 6, 2019

Book Request Paper Forms Vs Book Request Online Forms

I have for the past few months managed an online form (made via Google Forms) that encourages students and staff to suggest new books for the school library. I've over 80 requests from students and staff though I have made a few contributions so I don't forget to get the books

This week, I decided to make paper forms with the idea focusing on "Book Wishes" where students can "wish" for a book. With this approach, I keep it more simple. 

They then place their paper slip in a box. I noticed that a dozen requests were received within a day.

So will paper win or will the online form win?

I can see advantages both ways. The paper form is much simplier while online forms do require a little extra information to be provided. However the online form can be filled from anywhere and being done from a computer can make the request appear less visible to others. Mind you, only library staff can view the spreadsheet with book requests.

If you do book requests, do you still go for paper or do you go online or do you do both approaches.