Friday, June 14, 2019

Internal Reading Challenges

I am trying to create an internal reading challenge at school. Over the past few weeks, I have managed through the OZTL_Net forum and within the Association of Independent Schools to find out how schools have coordinated their own reading challenges.

Thank you to those who have lent me a hand in sharing their ideas

Some schools will also offer the NSW Premier's Reading Challenge if in NSW alongside or equivalent if in other states.

Each school that I have come across so far has adopted different approaches whether it may be:

  • Students must read from a set list.
  • Students can read any book and earn points according to the format or genre of the book read.
  • One school has a book bingo system which students must read books that reflect a statement or description of the book e.g. "A book that was published in 2019".
At Dapto High School several years ago, my jobshare partner and I created a challenge that was similar to book bingo, but it was a collaborative effort with students in their English classes deciding which student was going to meet each challenge e.g. read a book with a red cover. We also had the students complete short book reviews, which were published in their newsletter. There was a pizza lunch at the end for the first class to complete the challenge. 

It was only open at the time to Year 7 and 8 English classes. 

In addition, Barbara Braxton provided me with a link with ideas that any Teacher Librarian can use and can be adapted to any age. 

I am hoping to reflect on this further in time.