Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What did I learn in ETL504 this semester?

Unlike ETl503, I felt that I didn't learn that much because it didn't really focus on what leadership is about in my professional role. It tended to be more workplace oriented and did not address the teacher librarian side adequately.

Some thoughts on what I learnt.

  • Online collaboration does not work. It has to be face to face as much as possible. You need communication, where people can actually express their emotions and feelings. I can understand people better if they show emotions and feelings.
  • Effective leadership requires good skills in problem solving, collaboration and communication.
  • As a TL I need to be proactive and engaging. If I do nothing, I get nowhere. I do not need to be afraid of seeking support from others because they can help me achieve my goals. I have always been taught to "ask and you shall receive". There is no shame in seeking help. Not accepting help actually makes life harder.
  • Assignment II achieved little in terms of learning - My vision was poorly created and I feel that I have been unable to explain how I want to achieve my goals. .The theory and application could not be linked. There was little out there that related specifically to my role. I had to piece information from readings and sources that I have compiled over the past 12 months to just get any idea of what was needed?
Saying that I have a few questions that need to be answered:

  • What leadership qualities does a teacher librarian need? How does this compare to the skills and qualities required by teachers and adminstrators
  • Undertaking effective strategic planning? What has worked? What doesn't work?
  • The inter-relationship between leadership qualities and how they work together to produce a good leader.

What did I learn in ETL503 this semester?

Here are some of the concepts and skills that I learn't from "Resourcing the Curriculum"

  • How to construct a collection development policy - I had no idea of their existence and the features that it would contain e.g budgeting, selecting and acquiring resources, dispute resolution.
  • Weeding and disposal - This had to be the area that fascinated me most. It isn't that bad to weed books from a library collection. My blog posts will pay testament to that!!!. I have to admit even as amateur photographer, it helps me decide which photos to keep, and which photos to delete. This skill is applicable to anything. If I need to do a spring clean, I know how to do it.
  • The process of selecting and acquiring resources - I thought the best aspect had to be the professional tools able to assist me, particularly the Teaching and Learning Federation and Scan. Assignment 1 enabled me to recommend resources, and justify their inclusion.
  • Collection Evaluation - As a user of a library I can understand why librarians expect us as patrons to not engage in particular activities e.g. not restock shelves. It is not merely measuring how many books are borrowed or returned, it is how they are used.
  • Role of digital and electronic resources in the collection - It bought me up to date in this and how useful they are.
Some might ask what I might want to learn more about?

  • I want to learn more about e-learning - What is the impact of that on providing a balanced collection? How can library resources be effectively used in the classroom to cater for smartboards etc. The Catholic Education Office here in Sydney has placed huge emphasis on it.
  • The future of print resources in a library collection - Students prefer electronic formats, but does it take away from the printed experience?
  • If a book scanned is a book read? Senior debators in the Catholic Schools Debating Association (CSDA) had to debate this topic last friday night for round 4. I attended the debates between Waverley College and St Ursula's College Kingsgrove. I couldn't adjucate the senior debates as I am accredited for years 7-10 at present. It raised curiousity from parents and teachers waiting for debates, and I think it would been a key talking point.