These two media apps are really fascinating me and this summer has given me a real opportunity to play around with both of them.
I have been aware of PressReader for the past five or so years through membership of the State Library of NSW, which lists hundreds of newspapers and magazines in Australia, and thousands globally. These can be viewed on your browser or Ipad.
Now its possible through some libraries (like Sydney City Council) or those flying with Qantas to access these items for free through timed access. Sydney City Council will provide complementary access for seven days from when you first access it at a library branch and on their Wifi network, while if you are flying Qantas, you'll get 12 hours access from up to a day prior to your flight.
When it comes to Australian publications, PressReader has sadly been on a slide. Fairfax has generally removed major publications like The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age from the app and don't generally make their local papers available. News Corp recently made the decision to no longer publish major dallies through the app. Even though users have to pay for an individual issue or for timed use, News Corp seem to be unhappy for some reason - perhaps loss of paid subscribers and/or newsagency sales. Hold on, wouldn't they get a cut from the sale of individual issues or subscriptions that are offered through PressReader? Not the end of the world I think.
It does open up doors though for those who want their foreign magazines or newspapers. For me, I am lured by The Guardian (UK) and The Washington Post (USA), which are amongst the most respected newspapers in the world. You can actually enjoy foreign newspapers and magazines from the comfort of your home.
Zinio is more popular with public libraries which pick the magazines that might interest their clients and make them available to their borrowers. While choices are fewer, it wins out in terms of being able to keep the issues forever, even if you remove them from your iPad or device. Your account is linked to the cloud. PressReader hasn't really got that feature yet. Still figuring out the way to preserve PressReader material.
I don't know any schools that have them, and appears to be cost-prohibitve, but I think we as T/L's and schools need to take a good look at this, especially Zinio where the school can decide which subscriptions are most relevant to the students. Would students embrace it? I think they could especially if they can access it on their device and be able to keep it for life.