Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The DET Suitability Interview

There are a few websites out there that do talk about the DET suitability interview for teachers wishing to work in NSW Public Schools.

Some even go into the liberty of posting all the possible questions that one could be asked.

I sat the suitability interview last week as I need to be approved for full time teaching. Before the interview, I had only been assessed as suitable for casual teaching in NSW public schools.

You might be asking me the question - What did they ask you?

The questions are based on the professional teaching standards for NSW teachers and the questions do encompass more than one element. Generally you will be asked questions about your professional knowledge, professional practice and professional commitment.

What they may have asked me last week, may be different for your interview.

I recommend viewing the information about the interview on the DET website because it guides you well in how to prepare for it and that has to be the best site to go to.

If I have to give some tips to help you I think you should:

  • Make sure you understand the professional teaching standards and what they mean. Practicum reports can act as a guide. I know ACU list examples of evidence for each element to guide mentor teachers in assessing practicum students. 
  • List suitable experiences that you have been through for each element. If you are a graduate teacher or lack experience in an aspect of teaching, think about how YOU would go about it for example - How would you plan a unit of work?
  • View relevant documents as listed on the DET website link that I have provided. 
  • Don't be afraid to share your own research and understandings of professional knowledge and teaching practice, particularly if a question is asked about possible challenges relating to teaching such as the use of ICT in the classroom.
  • Obviously dress in professional attire for the interview. Give the interviewer the impression that you are serious about wanting to work as a teacher and that you take your professional role seriously. Remember first impressions count.
  • Be familiar with what the syllabus requires you to do in your subject areas. 
  • Avoid memorising answers from websites like those listed above and don't worry about preparing answers for them. Just read them to see and feel what you could experience.Just looking at them is time consuming in itself. At the end of the day you don't know what could be asked. It's like an exam. Anything could be tested. 
I hope that settles some of you down as you face an interview. Feel free to comment, share your thoughts and ideas or even post some questions. 

Feel free to contact me if you want help. There is no shame.