I've been thinking as I sit here this morning, how to respond to the the use of wifi internet in the classroom, electromagnetic radiation and student health.
I have been looking a webpaper by a student Linda Park who studies ETL411 (ICT Experience) where she looks at the issue.
I did not know about the electromagnetic radiaton that stems from the use of Wifi Internet and that it could endanger human health - just like mobile phones.
Now I will have to consider this? But what should I do as an educator?
I do know that I have a responsibility to do what I can to minimise the risk of illness amongst students under NSW Department of Education Policy. The radiation can trigger cancer, though this can take decades to happen.
Does this mean eliminating Wifi Use altogether? No
I think of the fact that anything we do in our lives does involves taking a risk. If we play a sport, we know there could be a risk of injury. We may do an activity e.g bungee jumping that may have a risk of injury. We use our mobile phones knowing that there is a risk of cancer. We know eating certain foods or doing certain diets may result in cancer or illness.
Also what other electronic items - I am sure they emit radiation too.
But wait, we are taught the risks involved in what we do. When we do something, we taught how to use equipment safely, how to play safely and how to take care of ourselves when involved. We are told how much of a particular food is ok to eat or not. We are told how we should talk on our mobile phones e.g. not hold them next to our ear. We can make use of what is available to us. Simply we are educated.
I do like the strategies proposed by Linda - because they minimise the risk. I think its the best way to go. Teachers need to know the health risks, but also students. They need to be taught good habits in using technology, like they would with food and social behaviour. As teachers, we can teach those habits to our students. This will enable them to consider the health risks that may be associated with using Wifi connections.
As teachers too - we are obliged to engage students in a variety of formats that are suited to their learning needs. We cannot just rely solely on the internet for learning. It provides alot of opportunities, but there are other formats that can teach concepts as effectively or more effectively.
Also Another opportunity to comment on EER500. Assignment 2 is uploaded. I hope I have done enough to impress Doreen. I have to admit it's likely I will repeat the unit again. Given the difficulty of the unit and my learning style (Auditory learner), I am better off attending a physical lecture and tutorial if I am to get any idea of what I need to know.