As I probably alluded to some time ago - I'm using this blog to help me complete the assignment by helping me jot down some points which I can use later and even submit the blog entries as part of the portfolio.
Last night I attended Session 3 focusing on Integration of ICTs in teaching and learning. The topics discussed included use of wikis, blogs and interactive whiteboards in learning.
I asked the question to those who presented papers on blogs about how they can be used in the assessment process. I was a little disappointed in the responses, but perhaps I didn't word the question effectively meaning I couldn't get the right answer but from what I can recall - I think the general view was that it can be useful for keeping records of the ICT Skills learnt in the research process.
Interactive Whiteboards were interesting on two fronts - health impacts on children and professional development. On health, I think we have to consider the possible health impacts on children, particularly younger ones. At this stage, I think we should use them for short periods of time. Technology allows students to view video clips and presentations in "segments". In high school, the fact periods are on average 45-60 minutes also mean that this can be controlled.
Professional development is a problem. I thought the paper by Mary Reed (2011) made a very good point about it. I was happy to share my experience as a pre service teacher. I virtually was taught little about ICT's. I was not taught how to use an interactive whiteboard and other ICT's including software. Curriculum units only focused on programming and the syllabus. That made applying ICT's in my practicums a challenge. I didn't want to use it because I didn't know how to use it. I was lucky in my internship to have a mentor teacher guide me in how to use ICT effectively focusing on the IMac laptops. It did change my practice and by the end, I was loving it and that was shown with the students. I felt encouraged by Lyn to hear that CSU does include education on ICT for those doing education degrees at that university so they can enter the classroom knowing how to use them.
It is a pity that the Teacher-Librarian and/or the ICT Co-ordinator have to teach these skills. At I know now that pre service teachers do lack training in ICT and I need to ensure that teachers are familar with ICT Technologies such as interactive whiteboards, given that new teachers may not be trained in this area.
Also I thought I'd comment on EER500 Assignment 1. I did not pass the assignment which for me was disgraceful given the simple nature of the assignment. Unfortuntely, the marker had alot of trouble understanding my content and feedback implied that I was meant to write in a specific "genre" which was not actually specified. "Response" in the unit outline indicated that any form of text could be used to present the answer provided the questions were answered. I was also told that I wrote it as one critque even though I anaylsed them both separately. Looks like I may have to appeal my grade if I fail.
I am a good writer and have normally received good marks so really it came down to how instructions were relayed relating to presentation. I did my research, I had my information, I followed the instructions. What else can I do wrong.