We'll its over for Semester II, 2011. I'm pretty happy to see it over. It has been a tough slog. For me I need to answer the question – What did I Learn?
Intro to Educational Research (EER500) – The marks will show that I learned little and reflects the struggle I've had in understanding the unit content. The mode of delivery through online learning is not effective for a complex unit like this particularly for a unit that requires you to learn a set of theories relating to research such as qualitative/quantitative research and paradigms. There were no modules to guide my learning. I have found that the modules form the basis for any learning in this course. The content in them is directly linked to the assessment – directly or indirectly. I had none of that guidance. In fact what I've learnt about research has only made me feel more confused in answering fundamental questions – What is research? Why do we do research? How should we undertake a research task? This is coming from a person who is noted by his peers and colleagues for their good ability to research naturally. I have also identified a few breaches of policy in relation to assessment, which will be drawn on if I do fail the unit.
I think I will stick to fundamental research skills for any research which is creating the research question to be answered, and how I am going to answer it and what I need to answer the question. Theory makes me more confused.
ICT in Schools Online Conference (ETL411) – Definitely doing better here. I have been interested in developing ICT skills and applying them to the classroom setting. I've just completed a portfolio, which I am intending to upload when marking is done because I think that sums up how I have developed learning wise during this unit including ICT Skills attained, issues that increased my professional knowledge and how online technologies used in the unit can be used in the classroom setting. I have to admit I enjoyed the online conferencing through Wimba because as an auditory learner, I can listen to others and share my ideas. I did not get that opportunity in EER500 as the focus was virtually on completing assignments. The online ICT skills survey is also being processed. I hope to share and reflect on that too.
Theres the wrap!!!