I currently have IOS7 installed on my Ipad. This has meant that how you use Safari has changed significantly.
For instance the book icon which has been the bookmark feature is only used to help you find a bookmark. Instead you have to tap the "Share" icon just to the left of the URL:
You are then given options. You can email the link or post it on social media. To bookmark, you tap on the "bookmark" icon on the bottom left. To webclip, tap on the "Add to Home Screen".
With webclips on IOS7, I found a useful video that gives you step by step instructions in case you are not sure of what to do.
I thought web clips were useful because it allows me to be able to tap straight through to a website straight away, particularly a website that I might use frequently. It almost feels like an app on its own.
The chapter in the IOS5 manual that is of most importance to me as a teacher is IBooks (Chapter 22 for IOS5). I checked for IOS7 and its the same chapter. With E-Books on the rise (and other learning resources going electronic), it is important that I am able to guide students that may wish to read books in an electronic format. It is even handy too for viewing pdf files as many learning resources are presented in this format and can be synced into IBooks. In addition, I can guide the students in utilising features that can support their learning such as the inclusion of bookmarks and being able to place notes wherever on the text. Thank goodness that a book cannot be vandalised or wrecked in an electronic format and makes understanding content that little easier. Collections can be organised according to individual subjects and interests. However at this stage it doesn't link into E-Book library collections like Overdrive which I am accustomed to.