What has concerned me as of late are plans to classify it as a remove Aspergers Syndrome from the Autism Spectrum and classify it as a "social anxiety disorder". This has implications for sufferers, their families and for us as teachers.
My mother, a teachers assistant has attended inservices on Autism and has amassed a collection of resources relating to Aspergers Syndrome.
I also have done my own research as part of my university studies plus I also have read the book "The Complete Guide to Aspergers Syndrome" by Dr.Tony Attwood. It is a must read.
I do have a huge interest for Special Education hence my interest. If I wasn't going to be a teacher librarian, I'd most likely be a Special Education Teacher.
At least 1 % of children have Asperger Syndrome. Some of the characteristics found in those with the syndrome include:
- Obsession with routine and order.
- Special interests which can be obsessive.
- Difficulty understanding non verbal communication.
- Poor social skills.
- Difficulty controlling emotions.
- Academically they perform at average or above average levels.
- Difficulty with fine motor skills.
- Can be clumsy.
- Hypersensitivity with their senses (taste, sight, smell, touch, hearing)
To move Asperger Syndrome away from the Autism spectrum I feel will impact on students with the condition within the classroom because I feel that they will be denied the support that they might have under the current definition.