The Teacher Learning Network (TLN) has delivered quality professional development courses for a number of years. I came across it recently as I was seeking providers that can provide on-demand professional learning. You can either attend a live or recorded course, complete an evaluation and you will receive a certificate.
One area of interest has been their courses focusing on the delivery of professional development to colleagues.
In my practice, there have been several occassions where I have presented professional development workshops, whether it may be a ten minute session in a whole school staff meeting or spending an hour with colleagues guiding them through the application of a resource in their teaching or learning.
But there is scope to further develop and refine my knowledge and skills in the delivery of professional development and do an even better job. The feedback that I receive has been good, but I aspire to do better.
So far I have done one course on presenting profssional development to colleagues. While it might be targeted to those who may want to be a provider of professional development, the knowledge presented is applicable to conducting it with fellow colleagues at school level such as planning the session itself, persuading the school executive to allow the presentation, organising time to prepare and undertaking the presentation.
I also have completed a course on how to present professional development online. I learnt how to structure a presentation or course that engages with the audience i.e. encourage attendees to undertake short activities. This is based on the structure that the TLN follows.
I would recommend that teacher librarians sign up to TLN. It usually costs around $350 for 12 months but I think there are benefits to be gained. There are also courses relating to leadership which I intend on doing to brush up on my leadership skills.