The Cover 2 Cover wide reading challenge at my school is underway.
The mood in the library is becoming electric, especially with the guessing competition where students can win prizes if they can correctly guess the favourite books of selected staff. It's a great way for my colleagues to share their reading preferences and experiences with the students. I have learnt what my colleagues enjoy reading too.
I have prepared recommended reads brochures that will award two points if a book on that list is read and reviewed (via a reading log) or 4 points if they select a book recommended by the teaching staff. It gives a bit of a challenge. If they want to read an item that is not listed, they can earn one point per book read, but can only read five books not listed.
It is a pilot project for my colleagues and I, but I will say how much fun its proving to be so far. Getting the students to read is the big challenge, but there are going to be some prizes on offer for those who either read the most books and/or earn the most points.