Every school will have their own method or approach. Some schools will require that the students complete it in their own time at home. They then will be required to submit a printout of their results module by module to the school.
Some will allocate time for the students to work independently with no presentation/s etc.
I delivered the course over one day with the Year 10 cohort in the final week of Term 4 last year. The model was that the day was split into three parts with two modules in focus for each session. This worked well for a six period day.
Each session began with a 20 minute presentation, where an overview was provided of the key concepts in each module. Short activities using mentimeter were applied with student responses submitted presented on the screen live. Two examples are below.
This was providing me with live feedback on student understanding and knowledge. Even though I was strapped for time, I was impressed.
I also think showing clips of scenes from comedy shows like Mr Bean made a difference in understanding what can be seen by some as complex ideas.
E.g. Girls were asked to identify examples of Malpractice in this clip from Mr. Bean.
Then they were divided into their house groups, where the under the supervision of a teacher they were working through their modules. I set the pass mark as 85% for each module. Learning Support Students had a modified mark of 70% but they generally managed to get to 85% as well. The supervising teacher would initial that the student had completed the module and had cited the mark on the screen.
A registry was created and then sent through to the members of the school executive for processing with NESA.
Several students were absent, with a follow up session organised two days later. One student had actually done it at home and it was merely for me to sign off their confirmation slips.
A big thank you to those who assisted me on the day!!!
I have uploaded my powerpoint slides from the day for those who may need some direction on how to organise the day.