This week I read through Mandy Lupton's 2016 article from School Libraries Worldwide - Adding Value: Principals' Perceptions of the Role of the Teacher Librarian.
What took my interest was at the appendix at the end of her article which provided a set of profiles that could be used to classify work practices and characteristics of Teacher Librarians.
I will not disclose where I am at, but have had an opportunity to reflect on it and identify what I might need to do to reach the ideal profile which is identified by Lupton as "Superhero".
I have cited the article below for those interested in reading the article.
Lupton, Mandy. 2016. Adding value: Principals' perceptions of the role of the teacher-librarian. School Libraries Worldwide 22, (1) (01): 49-61, (accessed May 24, 2018).