Thursday, March 15, 2018

Fees for lost and/or damaged library books

On the OZTL_NET forums this week, I have posted a survey on how school libraries charge fees for lost and/or damaged library books.

I have decided to review the process at my current school and want to examine how other schools may manage it.

Fifty Responses have been received so far:

45 % bill students the replacement fee as listed in the library management system.
35 % are billed through school fees and/or the school accounts department.

The remaining 20 % may ask students to provide a replacement, use a mix of provided options or the library would write off the costs.

What interested me (I have not come across it personally in schools that I have worked for) was that around 75% of respondents charge a processing fee on top of the lost item. Written responses tend to indicate a cost of $5.00. One has indicated 10% of the cost of the item.

I can understand why as well. Consider:

  • The time spent by library staff ordering and cataloging the item.
  • Delivery costs associated with Book Orders especially if it is for one book.
  • Cost of buying a replacement may be higher due to inflation and availability.
  • Tight Library Budgets

But there are limitations:

  • Public Schools may not be allowed to charge additional levies/surcharges as schools are to be "not for profit" organisations.
  • Socio economic factors. Can the student pay the replacement cost.

Thankyou to those who have responded. If you have not yet participated, please feel free to do so: