My motivation to attend was because my current school is intending to undertake a renovation of the library. I wanted to obtain an insight into the process that is involved in redesigning library spaces and also examine some case studies.
The keynote speaker was Anne Whisken who is the Head of Resource Centre at the Carey Baptist Grammar School in Kew, Victoria.
After her presentation, I felt that I will need to consider the following in any school library renovation:
- Providing a library space that is unstructured and trans formative.
- Use research to inform your decision making.
- Be flexible.
- Include stakeholders in the process.
- Consider future proofing the library and allow for adaptation.
- Library spaces should allow for creative spaces.
- Blending traditional services with new expectations.
- What learning experiences do I want to see occur in the spaces?
St Andrews Cathedral College undertook a change recently to its provision of library services to provide a branch for the junior school, middle school and senior school. More ideas that I may wish to consider include:
- How to provide a taster of what is to come e.g. introduce new furniture before major renovation works or purchase a small set of furniture that can be expanded on.
- Make decisions quickly.
- Furniture may to be custom made.
- Consider the needs of the school.
- Considering what I see as a dream library.
It has left me with food for thought but also I am looking at doing a follow up visit to St Andrews Cathedral School to see the branches for myself.