Just finding resources is a real challenge - whether it is printed material or material that has been published by schools or universities. And the bigger challenge - How does it apply to Australian settings?
There are simply so many things to consider when we teach information literacy and lifelong learning skills:
- Time Management - So many kids complain of being "too busy", when with an organised schedule, they can get the most of the time that they have for study and fun.
- The process of doing assignments and preparing for exams.
- Reading and comprehending information.
- Academic Integrity (referencing and bibliographies)
- Text Types
- Well being through school
- Library skills
- Internet search skills
- Learning to use a variety of resources and not rely merely on Google.
I have been using my time this term to begin to waddle through this information and try to create a set of resources to help students succeed in their studies. I have been focusing on workshops etc and have tried to offer them at a school where I am filling in this term. Students have been very reluctant to take advantage of what is available to them.
It feels like my head is going on several paths this term, but it will be interesting to see where it heads.