This term has introduced me to library programs for Special Needs students which I have actually enjoyed more than standard library lessons.
It allows me to open up and relax a little and show that passion for reading!!!
And the time is so relaxing for them too. In fact its my number one priority because I have seen them participate actively and also become more settled.
Some people might think these classes are a burden, but they are not at all.
I have been lucky to be guided in how to organise the sessions in a casual/temporary capacity as there has been a well established routine that I (and them) would like to maintain.
There is a bit of work involved in planning, but if you approach it with gusto like you do in your day to day role, you wont have a problem. Embrace it, because I think its one of the great ways you can show off your passion for reading and libraries.
The students will certainly get involved and will want to read.
But if you need somewhere to start, this document by Toronto Public Library would be a good start as it has some great guidelines but also outlines of how you can organise a library session with your special needs students.