Tuesday, August 23, 2016
The importance of Reading
Below is a slightly edited extract from a newsletter article that will be published in the newsletter for Kingsgrove North High School here in Sydney focusing on the importance of reading and relating it to Book Week.
One of the objectives of Book Week (August 20-26) is to highlight the importance of reading. Reading is a key skill that underpins success not just in learning, but also life. How can a person add or subtract numbers if they cannot read? How can a person explain the steps in undertaking a Science experiment if they cannot read? Currently Australian 15 year olds are ranked 14th in Reading amongst OECD nations, which is actually a decrease when compared with other nations from the year 2000.
I have come across students at various schools who tell me that they don't read because they "Don’t like Reading". This perception may have formed because reading has been approached as a chore e.g Students must read certain books or texts in the classroom or one does not understand the context or setting of the text. Reading is then presented as unenjoyable and this will put off students from reading altogether.
Reading should be a pleasurable experience. Don't be afraid to read what interests you, whether it is a book, eBook, magazine or newspaper. Aim to allocate fifteen minutes each day to read. Our library collection is not just there to help students learn, but also to stimulate the imagination and curiosity when we need it. The library team is more than happy to assist you.
Some do lose interest because their reading levels are not as high as their peers. They may not understand the language or themes presented. How do we make reading more pleasurable for them? Again,focus on their interests, but also do not be afraid to select material that is easy to read. As they gain confidence and start to enjoy their reading, then start to introduce more challenging texts.