I would like to thank Waverley College and the following staff in particular for their support in getting the evidence together and completing the paperwork:
- Ray Paxton (Head of College) - for his constant support in my work at the College.
- Tony Moore (Director of Personnel Services) - Guiding me through the steps involved in submitting the evidence and ensuring that my portfolio complied with standards set by the College and BOSTES.
- Lynsey Porter (Head of English) - Giving up her time to complete a lesson observation during Term 4, 2015 and providing useful feedback to support my professional practice.
- Sherri Falkinder (Acting Head of Library) - Liaising with senior staff when needed and for providing me with time to prepare the portfolio.
Also, a big thanks to Jenny Williams (Former Head of Digital Learning & Information Services, MLC School Burwood) who was able to sign off samples of evidence from my work as Teacher Librarian (Acting) in 2014 at MLC Burwood.