Though I've been employed in a casual and temporary capacity, I've been very blessed to have opportunities to demonstrate my teaching practice and to collect evidence to gain proficient teacher status here in NSW.
Recently, I made the decision to begin documenting that evidence, and I plan on reflecting on that process.
The question that has been raised amongst some Teacher Librarians has been how one can collect and demonstrate that evidence against the teaching standards as set by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership because the role differs from that of a classroom teacher.
To me, it has really been an interesting challenge and being able to relate my work directly to those standards.
For instance I've done presentations on E-Books to English classes. How have I collected the evidence. I decided on a lesson plan when I was given the task by my colleagues as a means of demonstrating that I can plan a lesson and including a copy of the PowerPoint Presentation to demonstrate that I have included the use of Information or Communications Technologies (ICT's). Even classroom management skills can be shown i.e. establishing routines.
Like any teacher, I have to undertake professional development. Keeping a log demonstrates my commitment to broadening my knowledge.
In pastoral care or welfare capacities, keeping records of communication with parents, colleagues and the wider school community.
I've also been blessed with some opportunities to work on programming or evaluating the success of teaching and learning programs whether it might be a report on the wide reading classes or the library program for Year 6 Students (MLC School).
Resourcing for curriculum is another feature like the Ipad App Evaluations that I did earlier this year which demonstrates commitment to encouraging the use of ICT's for educational purpose but also demonstrate that I have applied newly acquired teaching skills in my work.
Classroom management has probably been the toughest part for me in terms of evidence particularly finding evidence of managing student behaviour. I have been advised in the past by a mentor to actually write down an individual plan on how behaviour could be managed along with student expectations, particularly in a library environment. For me working in different schools, I have to make adaptions based on the relevant school policy and that is emphasised. This would allow me to demonstrate that I can provide a stimulating and engaging learning environment that one would want to risk full participation.
I look forward to sharing some more insights soon.