Interesting article in todays edition of The Australian which links reading for pleasure with higher levels of cognitive ability.
It does link into my recent entries on DEAR and I've actually shared it with students in my reading sessions. Reading can improve one's literacy skills and how they express themselves. Also when they read they gain insights into the world around them. They can link with what they read with their learning.
I think my interest in reading newspapers and magazines as a youngster on a daily basis helped me gain an understanding of the world around me. I recall a comment by my year seven English teacher at Marist College Penshurst, Mrs Morrissey of my ability to use my general knowledge to aid me in completing work in class.
In the HSC, I remember keeping folders of newspaper articles that I had read and when exam time came, out came the folders and was able to use them to support responses etc.
I actually do encourage students to read a newspaper when they can.