Transformative Devices Reading Activity
On this matter, I feel at this stage that Ipad's are transformative learning tools to some extent even I have questioned the usefulness of some Apps within the learning process. I do believe that Ipad's and other tablet computers will have been even more as transformative learning devices over the next few years as apps are further developed and created. Tablet computers will also become more powerful and capable of supporting programs available on desktop and laptop computers.
On a positive note, this course has shown me already how Ipads are being seen as transformative devices despite my doubts at this stage I have been encouraged and impressed with some of the approaches applied by schools in using Ipad's to stimulate learning e.g. Ipad Orchestra. Also use of various apps has also allowed me to examine how I can provide transformative learning experiences.
I remember my reflections on the Techlife article from last year which advised students to consider laptop computers if they wanted to take a device as part of a "Bring Your Own Technology Policy". If I had to decide between desktop/laptop computers and Ipad's as the device which is the more transformative device. I would select desktop/laptop computers given their ability to create information; to be able to express learning as the article suggests. Ipad's and tablets still focus largely on consumption of information, though this will change over the next few years.
Also I did have a look at the SAMR model in the article (see below) and it made me think straight away of how technology has been phased in the classroom but even my teaching practice as well. I used an article by Kathy Schrock to aid my understanding.
When I began training as a teacher not so many years ago (late 2000's), students did not have easy access to technology like they do today. There were no individual laptops or tablet computers. There were computer rooms but access was restricted due to demand. Activities were done with "pen and paper". As a teacher I was able to use a smartboard or computer to present notes clearly written, images and even the odd video clip as I had access to the technology which was at the substitution level of this model. Students were not able to benefit at large from the technology as it only reinforced the written content. Teacher training was also geared towards substitution with little or no training in using technology in the classroom.
By my final internship (2009), schools had begun issuing laptops to students in selected year groups. Teaching and Learning was now reflecting that at the Augmentation level. I encouraged students to present their notes typed, though I was happy for students if they desired to write with pen and paper. In one class, notes were being presented in Powerpoint Form. This allowed students to organise their notes more effectively in a style that suited their preferences. Wifi Internet was also introduced which allowed for some learning tasks to be undertaken using the internet. Learning activities were still being based on "pen and paper" tasks with technology used to provide opportunities for learning.
As I attained my Masters of Education Degree and undertook professional development e.g CEO Sydney Web 2.0 Course, I learn't and applied strategies consistent with the Modification level of the model. I feel that the schools I work at are at this stage applying many strategies at this level but are moving increasingly towards teaching and learning activities at the Redefinition level. Technology has allowed for more complex tasks e.g. mind mapping and presentation of timelines to be undertaken which can be used to reflect on the learning process and also for assessment of learning. The student can take greater control of how they present their information and can cater to a wider range of learning styles.
At the final stage - Redefinition, technology allows for learning that was previously inconceivable. Students are able to express their understanding of content and learning in whatever style that they may desire. From my internship on wards, I have been exposed to and have applied teaching and learning strategies that allow for such learning. I will continue to expand my knowledge and understanding in this area. This might include the Ipad Orchestra as I explored in Module 5, getting students to present information as a short film or advertisement using Imovie or using Adobe Photoshop to create an artwork. Cloud technology allows for learning in real time. With student collaboration, members of a group need not be in the one location e.g. if a student is sick they can work from home during the lesson time. Ipad technology allows for learning to be conducted in even more flexible settings due to their portability. While they lack features of applications desktop and laptop computers, there is potential for that to be exploited as they evolve.
Camera Activity
I have taken photos before with this feature and quite familiar with its features. I'll concede that I didn't learn anything new through this activity. In an educational context, very good for photos "on the go" particularly if undertaking an excursion or for use in learning tasks which may require photographs at short notice. I hope in the future, I'll be able to discover ways to edit photos taken on my SLR camera on an Ipad. Some camera's by Canon actually have Wifi capabilities that would allow instant transfer to an Ipad for editing.
I enjoyed making a movie using my camera as the video recorder and then editing the clips to make a short and simple film. The portability of an Ipad allows for easy recording of video, which kids would certainly like to do on the go. I was impressed with the simple and easy to use editing features of Imovie, which allows for quick editing on the go. In the classroom, the clips provide for a great record of learning or can be presented as part of a vlogging portfolio. Imovie is great for learning tasks where students may need to describe or explain a process e.g. cooking a recipe, present a science experiment or a demonstration.
Annotating Activity
I enjoyed using skitch to annotate an image from my camera library. Straightforward and easy to use especially using the arrows and being able to focus on the length of it. Being trained as a History Teacher, this app can be great for students to label key features of a historical source like a photograph e.g. label the items that a solider in image xxx used in combat or to present a labelled diagram of a historical relic. Fantastic as well for maps where key locations etc can be shown.
Blogging Activity
I use Eblogger and I find the app is quite limited in what you can do. The best I can do is type what I want and post a photo on the hard disk of the Ipad. The interface is much worse with fewer features available. I can present text in italics or in bold fonts, but not have it underlined which can be done on a desktop or web browser version. You cannot hyperlink.
Also I did have a look at the SAMR model in the article (see below) and it made me think straight away of how technology has been phased in the classroom but even my teaching practice as well. I used an article by Kathy Schrock to aid my understanding.
When I began training as a teacher not so many years ago (late 2000's), students did not have easy access to technology like they do today. There were no individual laptops or tablet computers. There were computer rooms but access was restricted due to demand. Activities were done with "pen and paper". As a teacher I was able to use a smartboard or computer to present notes clearly written, images and even the odd video clip as I had access to the technology which was at the substitution level of this model. Students were not able to benefit at large from the technology as it only reinforced the written content. Teacher training was also geared towards substitution with little or no training in using technology in the classroom.
By my final internship (2009), schools had begun issuing laptops to students in selected year groups. Teaching and Learning was now reflecting that at the Augmentation level. I encouraged students to present their notes typed, though I was happy for students if they desired to write with pen and paper. In one class, notes were being presented in Powerpoint Form. This allowed students to organise their notes more effectively in a style that suited their preferences. Wifi Internet was also introduced which allowed for some learning tasks to be undertaken using the internet. Learning activities were still being based on "pen and paper" tasks with technology used to provide opportunities for learning.
As I attained my Masters of Education Degree and undertook professional development e.g CEO Sydney Web 2.0 Course, I learn't and applied strategies consistent with the Modification level of the model. I feel that the schools I work at are at this stage applying many strategies at this level but are moving increasingly towards teaching and learning activities at the Redefinition level. Technology has allowed for more complex tasks e.g. mind mapping and presentation of timelines to be undertaken which can be used to reflect on the learning process and also for assessment of learning. The student can take greater control of how they present their information and can cater to a wider range of learning styles.
At the final stage - Redefinition, technology allows for learning that was previously inconceivable. Students are able to express their understanding of content and learning in whatever style that they may desire. From my internship on wards, I have been exposed to and have applied teaching and learning strategies that allow for such learning. I will continue to expand my knowledge and understanding in this area. This might include the Ipad Orchestra as I explored in Module 5, getting students to present information as a short film or advertisement using Imovie or using Adobe Photoshop to create an artwork. Cloud technology allows for learning in real time. With student collaboration, members of a group need not be in the one location e.g. if a student is sick they can work from home during the lesson time. Ipad technology allows for learning to be conducted in even more flexible settings due to their portability. While they lack features of applications desktop and laptop computers, there is potential for that to be exploited as they evolve.
Camera Activity
I have taken photos before with this feature and quite familiar with its features. I'll concede that I didn't learn anything new through this activity. In an educational context, very good for photos "on the go" particularly if undertaking an excursion or for use in learning tasks which may require photographs at short notice. I hope in the future, I'll be able to discover ways to edit photos taken on my SLR camera on an Ipad. Some camera's by Canon actually have Wifi capabilities that would allow instant transfer to an Ipad for editing.
I enjoyed making a movie using my camera as the video recorder and then editing the clips to make a short and simple film. The portability of an Ipad allows for easy recording of video, which kids would certainly like to do on the go. I was impressed with the simple and easy to use editing features of Imovie, which allows for quick editing on the go. In the classroom, the clips provide for a great record of learning or can be presented as part of a vlogging portfolio. Imovie is great for learning tasks where students may need to describe or explain a process e.g. cooking a recipe, present a science experiment or a demonstration.
Annotating Activity
I enjoyed using skitch to annotate an image from my camera library. Straightforward and easy to use especially using the arrows and being able to focus on the length of it. Being trained as a History Teacher, this app can be great for students to label key features of a historical source like a photograph e.g. label the items that a solider in image xxx used in combat or to present a labelled diagram of a historical relic. Fantastic as well for maps where key locations etc can be shown.
Blogging Activity
I use Eblogger and I find the app is quite limited in what you can do. The best I can do is type what I want and post a photo on the hard disk of the Ipad. The interface is much worse with fewer features available. I can present text in italics or in bold fonts, but not have it underlined which can be done on a desktop or web browser version. You cannot hyperlink.