I finally finished my ETL507 Portfolio this week. I submitted it on Monday and by the next day, I had an email to say that I had passed it. It meant that I passed the unit as well.
The problem with the portfolio was the choice of wiki to host the content and this led to presentation problems which was raised in the marking. I think its fair because I personally found it to the most frustrating aspect of the task. At least I have been provided with possible alternative sites such as wikispaces.
But the content side of it was great. While I had many readings to draw on, resources acquired from practice and this blog, it was a challenge putting it all together. I felt at times when writing the reflection and evaluaton that my learning was inadequate but further reflection realised that I did learn something even if it was not applied. I think as I gain more work as a teacher librarian, this will be overcome.
It helped me to realise my strengths and weaknesses as a teacher librarian and that will come in handy for when applying for a job because I can draw on the portfolio to provide answers to questions should I gain an interview.
With ETL507, I had worked on the dewey decimal classification numbers for the past few weeks. It was very challenging but webdewey really simplified it for me. It gave me the scope to examine different numbers and combinations and draw on that to identify the most suitable number. The exercises helped me a lot because it made sure that I stuck to the rules that went with it. If I didn’t do the exercises, I would have been in trouble.
And the SCIS standards were quite self explanatory in truncating it if needed. It even simplified the process for me. Even if I didn't need to truncate or apply SCIS standards I made sure I mentioned the need not to apply it by merely stating it was consistent with SCIS Standards.
Dewey isn't that ardous at all and in modern libraries it is as relevant as ever. Books need to be placed according to subject, otherwise what hope is there for finding it?