Here is a Term One wrap up in relation to my volunteer work at the school.
Primary School
The teacher-librarian has been overloaded with work, so I've had to assume more of a support role in just keeping the day to day functions going when I'm there. I helped out on Wednesdays. I found myself processing a very large number of returns and then rushing to get them back onto the shelves. Students at this school LOVE to borrow and virtually all of them are doing the Premiers Reading Challenge. They need access to those books as quickly as possible.
During times of borrowing the Teacher Librarian and myself both processed loans using separate computers to ensure they got their books issued quickly. Students were also issued with their own library cards meaning that books could be loaned out quicker.
In addition I helped in the set up of an art and craft activity for the pre schoolers and in the final week of term, decided to begin answering the phones and actually contact book suppliers on the Teacher Librarians request relating to incomplete book orders which I felt quite comfortable doing, even though I had to pass myself off as the "Library Assistant". Also I found myself actually helping kids complete library activities, often with little or no idea of what the task requirements. I had to think on my feet. The students thought I was a teacher, and I see this as a huge positive in terms of student-teacher relationships and being able to demonstrate this attribute in a professional setting. They were happy to ask for assistance and they were friendly. I also took interest in what they were doing and had informal conversations like "What are you doing for Easter?"
Secondary School
My last entry summarised my role. Apart from greater confidence, I found myself doing more one to one work with students undertaking research and assessment tasks. For instance, I helped a student identify suitable articles for a media portfolio in business studies given that they were struggling to find relevant articles. I was able to provide an assessment of the suitability of articles and then suggested a further list of articles to help them. I've begun to build relationships with a few teachers who are starting to appreciate my work at the school. This is a positive in terms of professional networking. My rapport with the students has also grown. They feel comfortable with my presence and I enjoy working with them.
How has it impacted on me as a professional?
During the term, I had some days where I undertook casual teaching and I have found that I can assist students to complete work in virtually any subject area, particularly where the task requires them to do :
*Assignments - Explain key words and phrases, what they mean and how the students must answer the question/s
*Identify key words/phrases in a passage of text particularly where they are lost.
*Communication of ideas in writing
*Internet Research Skills - Identifying suitable websites for research and how to use search engines effectively.
Obviously taking classes in Social Sciences (my main area of teaching) means I can give even greater assistance.