Constructing a Vision for a library and explaining how to undertake is proving to be quite tough. It is even harder when you are not presently employed in a library.
As the end of the week approaches - have I learnt much about the organisational theory or leadership element of it?
I am feeling that I learnt little at all this week. Alot of the resources that I have viewed and will use for the ETL504 Assignment are from ETL401 (Teacher Librarianship). I know what the role of teacher librarian is and how they can contribute towards the school community, but I am finding that identifying the stakeholders and how to explain how I am going to achieve the goals is difficult.
There seems to be a lack of useful professional resources out there to assist me in compiling my paper to demonstrate that I do use a variety of resources, particularly as I was deemed not to have done so in Assignment 1 for the same unit.
I did feel encouraged by L. Welsh writing " Groundwork: The Situational Anaylsis" In "the Other 51 Weeks: a marketing handbook for librarians". which guides me through the process of setting goals, objectives and then implementing the strategies. At least that will make a good table. Articles on identifying stakeholders is hard to find as well because I want to back it up with valid evidence.