I wrote this last week in Microsoft Word and only just realised that it had not been posted, so here we go, some reflections on the teaching standards. I also had referenced this entry for my critical analysis, which will be posted later today.
The past few weeks have been a period of information overload so I would like to provide a few reflections (in point form) to comment on the Professional Standards as set by the Australian Information and Library Association and the Australian School Libraries Association and the implications for my role as teacher librarian.
· I am an educator, just like a classroom teacher. I may not be based in a classroom but I still have a role to provide quality teaching and learning experiences for students particularly development of information literacy skills.
· Allows for improvement in professional practice. I can develop my professional practice to satisfy the standards as set within the profession through regular reflection on my teaching practice including setting goals for development as a professional.
· Encourages effective application of professional knowledge in all aspects of professional practice. Without effective application of professional knowledge I cannot provide the quality teaching and learning experiences that is needed for academic achievement. I would be unable to provide the library and information services to the standards as expected by the profession.
The role requires commitment to the profession in terms of professional development, advocating improvements to library and information services along with assuming a leadership role within the school community.