I'm well into undertaking assignment two of ETL401, given that I can be called into work at anytime and hence lose opportunities to complete the assignment. I would rather be ahead of myself and that saves alot of stress.
Part A isn't a problem for me. It's straight forward and I'm finding from my research lots of valuable information relating to the three information skills processing models. I am finding the content interesting especially with Kulhthau's Information Skills Theory. I was surprised to find that her theory is constantly subject to change. In fact it has been expanded in recent years to emphasise assembling. From what I understand so far it relates to recognising changes in learning and our thoughts.
Part B relating to the Professional Standards has proven to be tough. At this stage I view the standards to be vague and lacks the detail and depth of the teaching standards as set by the NSW Institute of Teachers. I find that Professional Knowledge doesn't relate much to student learning at all where the NSW Institute of Teachers attempts to provide that linkage. This is where I find the evaluation to be difficult. Even linking it to relevant documents as set by the Australian Library and Information Association and the Australian School Library Association is also difficult. For a professional organisation, you would expect more depth.
Part C won't be done until closer to submission to allow me plenty of time to comment on the forums but also post my insights here in the meantime like now.