The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on all aspects of our daily lives. We have been asked to work from home. School Students have been asked to stay home as well. Public gatherings and social activities have been banned along with any movement around the community that is non-essential.
Public services including our local libraries have been ordered to shut down in the short term.
School Libraries are still open unless library staff have either been asked to work from home. There have also been reports that some support staff have been stood down. Some schools will allow borrowing while many have opted for a click and collect service. This is good step which is better than providing nothing.
As Teacher Librarians, we have been provided with plenty of opportunities to promote digital collections, etc. which can easily be endorsed by students, including eBooks and Databases which allow students to engage in meaningful content for their classwork and general reading without having to leave home. The challenge though is providing directions. I find performing an in class demonstration more interactive than doing an interactive demonstration online as I can easily guide students through the process and give quick assistance. But I know that I have the ability to record the steps using recording software, add some audio and students can then do it at a pace that they can choose.
There are also opportunities for collaboration. All colleagues are faced with the same challenge of providing interactive lessons online and a Teacher Librarian is fantastic in providing that support , especially with information literacy skills, which we need to develop amongst all students. Even the complexities of organising the work and hosting it online is a challenge. Teacher Librarians again can step up to provide support.
On site, some schools have been able to undertake jobs that otherwise could not normally done without disruption - I was fortunate to assist at one school in setting up and commencing their stocktake before the school holiday period. Stocktakes can be done at any time, but then in normal circumstances, there the disruptions that go on which can slow down the process. I have heard of other school libraries doing stocktakes. Great step forward.
I'll reflect on reading for pleasure next week.