It has been a long summer so in a sense it is good to focus on some study.
On the work front, no casual work so far because it's early in the year and casual teachers are not in high demand so it should give me plenty of time to focus on the job ahead for the time being.
This semester I am enrolled in:
ETL503 - Resouring the Curriculum
ETL504 - Teacher Librarian as Leader
I think this semester will be alot more straightforward. By now I should have a good idea about what the role of Teacher Librarian is about and has been documented via the blog entries, plus I know what is required.
Last semester, I obtained a credit with James Herring in the unit ETL501 which was surprising given my lack of technical ability with creating a pathfinder or 'wiki's'. I got a good mark for the pathfinder. I didn't even know if I had done it right but I did take the advice that he gave seriously. I was often relistening to the assignment podcasts to make sure I was doing what he wanted. I also took my time to do it, a key for anyone who wants t0o do well in their study. Rushing it creates too many problems. Doing that unit gave me alot of confidence.
ETL401 was disappointing in the fact that I had to undertake additional assessment to pass the unit. I have to admit that I had trouble understanding documents relating to the professional standards but presenting it as an essay was hard. The fact that a lack of professional experience pulled me down considerably.